My home garden brings me peace of mind and an excitement of fragrant flower blossoms springing up from the earth. Working with soil reminds me of the important balance of caring for this delicate eco-system.
And more so, in today's unpredictable world, I find a balance in grounding my ideas and applying The Law of The Farm to manifest and grow in all areas of my life.
The garden is a great metaphor for living. Even if all you ahe is a proch, you can create a beautiful and productive container garden to grow vegetables, herbs, all year roudn if you choose.
So this blog is about that. It begins with organic gardening and the importance and great benefit of consuming food that is rich in vitamins and free of some of the negative proacticeds of commercial, industrial farming.
From watching the seeds you plant grow into amazing vegetables, you can garner a bit of wisdom from Mothe Nature and apply the same law of the farm to any area that you want to reap a boutnful harvest in.
So stay tuned, because as the Springs unfolds, so the oOganic Gardening At Home will reveal more valuable and practical tips .